Best Unboxing YouTube Channels
The Top 5 Best Unboxing YouTube Channels:
Now, if you are searching for The Top 5 Best Unboxing YouTube Channels, you are in the right place. So read on! Most people love getting quick, clear answers to the things weighing on their minds. They want to know what to buy and why. Unboxing videos help people see what the items look like. If you’re into unboxing videos, you probably watched many different YouTubers unbox items on camera. They take out the item from its original box and remove the wrapping. Maybe even turn the device on. While the YouTuber tells about how the item looks and how it feels. Down below is the list of The Top 5 Best Unboxing YouTube Channels. Let’s Count Down!!!
The B&D Product & Food Review company is own by two family members. A father and son. Their stage names are Bobby and Danny. Now in their videos, Bobby is the grandson, and Danny is the grandfather. You might be wondering. What are their top best unboxing videos about? The B&D Product & Food Review is a YouTube channel that reviews different products, foods, and sites. As of right now, their most popular unboxing video. Unboxing 1913 Liberty Head Nickel from Amazon has almost 10 thousand video views, and they have over 3 thousand subscribers and over 3 hundred thousand video views in total. Now they create channels on many different video-sharing sites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, and Rumble. According to their Facebook Page, they live in Los Angeles, California.
4. UrAvgConsumer:
Now UrAvgConsumer is the review and unboxing channel of Judner Aura. He has become popular for his tech reviews. Now he has covered many different types of tech, from video games to computers. Some of his most popular videos have earned more than 1 million views each. Now his most popular unboxing YouTube video is Massive Tech Haul. UrAvgConsumer makes top best videos for the ordinary tech consumer. He eases tough purchasing decisions with key insight. All of his Dope or Nope” series are wherein his reviews. His top best product reviews are in layman’s terms and focus only on what’s important to average users. Now UrAvgConsumer has over 3 million subscribers on his channels and over 4 hundred million video views in total. He loves to unbox items on camera. According to product review website forums, his YouTube channel gets a lot of sponsorships from tech companies. He lives in Belleville, New Jersey.
3. Austin Evans:
Coming in 3rd place in my Top Best Unboxing YouTube Channels list is Austin Evans. The YouTuber Austin Evans brings the best technology to over 4 million subscribers, showcasing, testing, and reviewing products old and new. On his hit series, he attempts to build better versions of popular gadgets already on the market. Austin Evans uploads the top best videos featuring gaming PC builds, Top 5s, mobile phones, and the latest video games to his YouTube channel. Some of these are unboxing videos as he shows his fans what you receive for your money with certain tech products. He lives in Claremont, California. Now Austin Evans has over 1 billion video views in total. And his most popular YouTube video is Application Review 1. According to product review website forums. Austin Evans gets a lot of sponsorships from tech companies.
2. Marques Brownlee:
Racking in at 2nd place in my top best channels list is Marques Brownlee. Now he is an American YouTuber. He reviews technology products. Although Marques Brownlee joined YouTube in March 2008, it wasn’t until the following year that he began reviewing technology products on his channels. Some, but not all, of his reviews are unboxing videos. He mixes reviews of products asked for by his audience. He does say that he only reviews products that resonate with his audience of technology enthusiasts, however. People know him for making timely reviews of anticipated new products that are the top best, often within a day of their release. Now Marques Brownlee has over 13 million subscribers and over 2 billion video views in total. His most popular YouTube video is The Ultimate Custom PlayStation 5! Now he loves to unbox items on camera.
Unbox Therapy doesn’t just unbox and review the top best tech gadgets on the planet. He has fun using them, too. He dives into the finer points of items, analyzing and testing their features to uncover hidden secrets, tips, and tricks for his millions of viewers on his channels. Now he has over 17 million subscribers and over 4 billion views. Lewis Hilsenteger. videos aim to showcase the coolest items on the planet. As well as typical unboxing videos, this YouTube channel. Includes videos featuring interesting lists, incredible deals, and fun tests. Lewis unboxes/reviews a wide range of items. His most popular video is the iPhone 6S Aluminum Bend Test. Now he does review items from Amazon. However, I don’t think he is an Amazon reviewer. According to most channels reviewing sites, they say Unbox Therapy is one of the best product reviewers.
The top best item sponsorships for social media channels that will sponsor you.
All of these YouTubers are the best channels to unbox your items on camera. If you are searching for a sponsorship, you should give these YouTubers a try. Having a custom sponsorship with a YouTuber will help you to get more leads and sales. Now that is why you should get a YouTuber to sponsor your items or services. Each one of these YouTubers charges a different amount for their custom sponsorship program. In my option, I would say Unbox Therapy would charge the most, and B&D Product & Food Review would charge the least. Now you can contact each YouTubers to ask how much they would charge for their custom sponsorship program. The best way to do that is to go to these YouTubers’ bio on YouTube and find their product channels. Sponsorships are a great way to get more leads and sales by creating videos for you.